
Sunday, March 29, 2015

McFarland-Mayberry-Begley Bulletin
for the week of March 23, 2015

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Reading Workshop
Your child is working on a “diary” project for which s/he needs to bring in at least five small items that will fit in a 3” x 3” cardboard jewelry box.  The items should represent a meaningful experience, place, or person from your child past.  We were inspired to do this project from a book called, The Matchbox Diary.  Check out the details here:
Details of the project are in your child’s homework folder and were handed out early this week.  The items are due on Monday, when we will share our diaries in small groups.

Writing Workshop
We are well into our work for a second literary essay flash-draft, for a story called, “The Marble Champ” -- which is the reason your child might be trying to strengthen her/his thumb muscle, FYI.  The kids have been working in partnerships to find evidence in the story of a variety of big ideas in order to evaluate whether those ideas would make strong thesis statements for strong essays.  They’re becoming more independent and are needing less and less guidance from far.  Many students are less confident than I expected when it comes to the actual writing of the paragraphs.  So for this essay, I’ll be offering choices of different degrees of teacher help.  I have a hunch they’ll gain more confidence through the writing of this second flash-draft.

Having secure multiplication facts sure came in handy as students learned how to find a fraction of a whole number this week. We also started working on adding and subtracting like fractions. Students did some problem solving work this week involving the Greely girls basketball team. This problem was multi-layered and students did a great job using their math skills and a little perseverance!

This week students finished their continent maps.  Students have been assessing the projects with me, so they understand how they have met/exceeded the criteria.  
    Study guides were passed out the the Begley class (Thursday) and the McFarland/Mayberry classes (Friday).  Each class had time in class to prepare study cards.  We will review for one class period (likely Monday) next week.  The quiz will be Tuesday for the Begley class and Wednesday for the Mayberry/McFarland classes.

Due Dates / Upcoming Events:
**The Book Fair is happening this week.  Family Night is Wednesday, April 1st from 5:30-7:30pm**

Monday, March 30th - Reading logs due / sneakers for PE

Tuesday, March 31st - Study link due / Map & Landform Quiz - Begley class / Conferences

Wednesday, April 1st - Early Release  / Map & Landform Quiz - McFarland & Mayberry classes / Sneakers for P.E. / Conferences / Book Fair Family Night

Thursday, April 2nd - Spelling due / McFarland class goes to the Book Fair
Friday, April 3rd - Study link due

Any letters for placement are due to Mrs. MacArthur before April 16th.

Enjoy the warmer weather!

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