Reading Workshop
This week, we did a great lesson about what to do when two sources of information give you different information about the same topic. Our discussion included tips for close reading, trying to figure out how both pieces of info could be accurate, questions to ask yourself about the sources, and internet reliability. Several students are already employing the strategies in their research work in class. It’s been so interesting to see them having a conversation with a partner when they come across this issue, using the strategies we talked about. Next week, kids will be taking their research and developing their own main ideas about the animals they’re studying. From there, we’ll make Keynote presentations on the iPads — we’re just waiting for a 5th grade class to finish up with the iPads. Each child will be doing a live presentation using self-created Keynote slides to guide the teaching.
Please note that your child has brought home a fat packet of past reading logs attached to a grade sheet. We were awed by the amount of reading kids have logged in all that time! And, especially taking into consideration that many kids read more than they log, that’s a lot to celebrate! It’s fun to see it all in one spot. The grade your child’s logging earned reflects logs handed it from mid-October through last week. Be on the lookout for some changes to the back of the reading log in the next few weeks…
Writing Workshop
You saw photos from the work kids are doing today — lots of activity! The kids are really into this one, and it’s satisfying to see where we started with this unit and how far we’ve come. We’re past the deadline for this unit, but the extra time has been worth it. I’ll be meeting with your child over the next two weeks to grade the project using the rubric we created earlier in the unit. Lots of growth, good learning, and memories attached to this unit! We’ll display the posters after vacation, and hopefully you can stop in sometime and see the work before writers bring them home. I’ll let you know when they’re up!
Students continued to hone their skills with partial products this week. We also worked on accurately measuring to the nearest 0.5 centimeter and the nearest ¼ inch. One of the reflections they needed to make was to explain what the expression - “measure twice cut once” means and why is it good advice.
I have posted a partial products tutorial on my web page for students to access (and parents) when doing homework. While this is still a new mathematical process it may be helpful when your child stalls out doing math homework.
This week we spent some time reviewing the homophones of you’re/your and it’s/its. Students practiced using the appropriate homophone in sentences. Due to the snow, we will continue Unit 17 next week. Homework will come home, as usual next Tuesday, and the test for this unit will be next Friday.
This week we created circuits that included a motor and learned the purpose of a switch in a circuit. Students also made predictions about what items might be conductors or insulators and then tested the objects and recorded the results. They used the results to make generalizations about what types of materials are good conductors. Next week we will construct parallel and series circuits, before moving on to static electricity.
Due Dates / Upcoming Events:
Monday, February 2nd - Read logs due / Sneakers for P.E.
Tuesday, February 3rd - Study link due / Bring recorders for music
Wednesday, February 4th - Early Release
Thursday, February 5th - Spelling due / ABL
Friday, February 6th - Study link due
Report cards will be arriving home today with your child. Please keep the enclosed reports (math fact progress, report card, and reading log assessment), sign the envelope, and return it to school next week. Thank you!
Have a great weekend!
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