
Sunday, October 5, 2014

McFarland-Mayberry-Begley Bulletin
for the week of September 29, 2014

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Reading Workshop
This week we focused on using precise, accurate words to describe characters’ traits.  We worked on using parts of a story to support our ideas, an important concept we’ll practice all year long.  Through this work, I discovered that we need a lot more experience with vocabulary — good to know!  Next week, both reading classes will begin a very special experience: we are participating the Global Read Aloud.  Check it out:  Mrs. Mayberry and Mrs. Alves (our 4/5 literacy leader) wrote a grant for interested teachers to try it out, and we’ve chosen to read the book, The Fourteenth Goldfish.  This will be the mentor text for our character unit.  Our classes are going to partner with two of Mrs. Fenwick’s seventh grade classes right here at GMS!  We’ll experiment with technology to share the experience with them.  Fun!

Writing Workshop
It’s a pretty big deal when your story becomes a movie.  OK, so our iMovies are very basic, but still…  The kids have done a nice job helping each other out, trying Plan B when Technology Plan A doesn’t work out — the usual experience with 23 kids on iPads!  Next week, we’ll share our iMovies in class.  And then we’ll do a narrative writing prompt, where I’m hoping everyone will show off all they’ve learned about narrative writing these past weeks!

Students continued their work with reading and writing large numbers this week. We also did several activities where we collected data and discovered the statistical landmarks for each data set (minimum, maximum, range, mode and median).  On Thursday we reviewed two algorithms for adding large numbers. Students need to be proficient with either partial sums or the traditional method of addition. I stressed with children that they need to use the algorithm that works best for them and gives them successful answers. In class I will continue to demonstrate both methods in our daily lessons.

This week students explored several spelling patterns for the /s/ sound.  We also learned about prefixes and learned the meaning of the prefixes pre-, un-, non-, and re-.  This is the beginning of some extensive work we’ll do this year with prefixes, helping students to understand how this changes the meaning of words and how prefix knowledge can help unlock the meaning of unknown words.

This week we had the pleasure of a visit from Rich Campbell, geologist.  He brought some cool samples and answered a lot of our geology questions.  Students also completed their final rock project.  Each child had to apply the skills learned during the unit (such as observation, measurement, research) to produce a book about their rock.  

Friday I gave each child a study guide for the upcoming geology quiz. I have also embedded the study guide on my web page in case you need an extra.  Not all students finished their cards in class and may need to finish a couple at home; please check in with your child.  I also worked with each class on study strategies.  We will review next Monday and Tuesday before taking the quiz on Wednesday, 10/8.

Finally, Mrs. Begley is looking for cereal boxes for an upcoming project next week (still intact, not broken down).  If you have some at home, please send them our way!  

Due Dates / Upcoming Events:

Monday, October 6th - Reading logs due / Sneakers for P.E.

Tuesday, October 7th - Study link due 

Wednesday, October 8th - Math journal catch-up / Early Release / Geology quiz

Thursday, October 9th - Spelling due / STAR testing (math)

Friday, October 10th - Study link due 

Monday, October 13th and Tuesday, October 14th - Holiday / In Service

Students will take the STAR tests for math during their technology class.   This test gives teachers and administrators baseline information about children’s math skills in the fall and spring to track growth over time.  

Hope you’re enjoying the weekend!


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